
JBoss PortletSwap 2 发布

JBoss PortletSwap 2 发布了.

JBoss PortletSwap是一个基于JBoss Portal的社区网站,主要面向JSR-168 compliant portlets 以及JBoss Portal主题版面设计,为广大网友提供一个自由的交流空间。网站主要包括内容:portlets示例(采用框架如JSF,Struts和Spring),以及JSR-168-compliant portals安装portlets。

The community has taken a commanding role with regards to contributing portlets and sharing ideas during the first year of JBoss PortletSwap, and this release introduces some extra features: revamped UI for the portlet catalog, tutorial portlet section, PortletSwap documentation, portlet project hosting services... The most exciting feature we have added is the support for hosting your own portlet project on our JBoss.org infrastructure
