
Apache Tuscany M1 发布

Apache Tuscany开发小组宣布发布Apache Tuscany的第一个里程碑版本Apache Tuscany M1。


Tuscany的实现遵循了SCA 和SDO规范..以及包括一个支持SDO的Data Access Service (DAS)..

SCA(Service Component Architecture)面向服务的组件模型,源于IBM 的WSIF (Web Service Invocation Framework),SCA的目的是使用户在构建企业应用时有一个不再直接面对具体的技术细节的层次,而是通过服务组件的方式来构建应用

SDO(Service Data Objects)服务数据对象,是BEA 和 IBM 共同发布的一项规范。SDO是Java平台的一种数据编程架构和API,它统一了不同数据源类型的数据编程,提供了对通用应用程序模式的健壮支持,并使应用程序、工具和框架更容易查询、读取、更新和检查数据。

-General framework for wiring SCA components together and running them
-Module assembly using SCDL (SCA 0.9 spec level)
-Support for synchronous and asynchronous (one-way non-blocking) invocations
-SCA scope management
-Extensibility APIs, new bindings and component types can be easily plugged in
-Bootstrapping APIs
--Support for POJO components and SCA Java 5 annotations
--Support for Javascript components
--Axis2 Web Service binding
--Celtix binding
--JSON-RPC binding
--SDO data binding
-Hosting in J2SE and Tomcat (SCA modules deployed as Web applications)
-WSDL2Java tool and experimental Java2WSDL tool
-Example programs showing components, wiring, and integration of bindings
-Implementation of the Bigbank sample application published with the SCA spec
